Knit a little, read a little, watch a little

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Hark! I see a blossom!

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Tim Tams have arrived! Socks, however, not so much. (I blame Canada Post. They're...erratic.) The Tim Tams were mailed separately, because of something in the other package that might have damaged them. Thanks, OzKnitter!

Knitting progress? I have a couple of finished objects to be shown at a later date (gifts) and Dauphin is currently blocking in the dining room:
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The Chinese Leftover socks are awaiting a heel turn, the Sarcelle has been lying fallow (skipped knitting group last week because Mom had an eye appointment) and I've started the Mad For Fair Isle Batik Style socks from Sock Madness, but they're currently inside out to try and ease my stranding issues, so they look like a black/grey and pink blob. Pictures eventually.