Knit a little, read a little, watch a little

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

New projects...

After an hour of shopping today, I came home with a new project, which needs to be finished by Tuesday. Somehow, my mother (who is also in the band) committed me to a below-the knee skirt. Despite the fact that I had been adamant about it was my skirt or I don't play. So I bought a prom dress that I will hack at and turn into a wildly inappropriate, yet still within the "below the knee and black" strictures I was given, skirt. Maybe get some more net (in some obnoxious color) and kick it out some more. I think I will leave the zipper full length and tuck it in (there's enough fabric in my shirt to hide a small child, so no problems). I will hit the local sewing store on Friday for notions, giving me an opportunity to sneer...scope out their knitting supplies. I was kind of bummed, because I found a nearly perfect skirt (no alterations necessary) at Le Chateau, but it was only in ivory, pink and lavender. My dyeing skills are non-existent, which means my sewing skills outrank them.

I was going to go to the yarn store after the great frustration, but decided to put it off. I need to fiddle some more with my swatch for Kimono. My stitch gauge is off but not my row gauge on 5s. I'll try 4s tonight to see if that helps. If it does, I need to get 2s for ribbing (I think - maybe I could get away with 3s) and if it doesn't, I need advice and probably new needles. Plus I can pick up a book while I'm there. I was hoping Celtic Collection would come today, but it didn't. WAAAAHH! I did get "21 Grams," however, so I can choose between that and "Dog Day Afternoon."

I need to get back to seaming of Salt Peanuts. The yarn is a total bitch to seam with. It unravels very easily, so I'm constantly having to cut and pull threads from the seam. I've globbed up a length of yarn, and am hoping that will help.

I have another band concert tomorrow afternoon. At least I'm not planning on black and white for it. No one else wore it last year - patriotic themes seem to be preferable. So I'll pull out a t-shirt and pop on some shorts, and be oh-so-comfy. No thong!